Expose Plate
– 3 phase and high-frequency X-ray machines.
SID 72” - kVp 70 - mAs - 30
40" can also be used if 72" is impractical (e.g., because of the wall bucky,
etc). -
3 phase and high-frequency X-ray machines, reduce the 30 mAs exposure
by a factor of approx 3, which is approx 10 mAs.
40” -
single-phase rectified generator, increase the 8 mAs by 1.5 * 8 = 12 mAs
40” -
single-phase unrectified generator, increase the 8 mAs by 2.0 * 8 =16 mAs
The calibration procedure just requires enough x-rays to create a uniform "flood
field" exposure on the plate -- there is no "right" or "wrong" technique -- just
guidelines for creating a uniform field.
Start Application
– The Radlink application should be running, if not, select the
Radlink application from the list of programs and start it on the CR Pro
Load Plate Scan
– Insert the exposed cassette in the CR Pro machine.
Start Calibration
- Select the calibration selection under the TOOLS menu item.
- The CR Pro will scan the exposed plate in order to calibrate the
intensity to allow for the best possible images to be acquired from the plate.
Once scanned, the system will then go through a second pass and erase the
plate to normal levels.
Finished – The CR Pro is now calibrated and you can begin
using it for processing X-ray