Figure 2-2 – Destination Settings
Destination Settings -
The destination settings for networked DICOM devices are
shown above. It also has a field called “State” that instructs the software whether or
not to send a DICOM image
from the CR Pro to
selected destination(s). Unchecking
the State does not turn off communications to the programmed satellite destinations.
However; Again the state check box only controls output from the CR Pro to each
selected destination.
Active Destinations –
This specifies the active hosts that will receive images. All
hosts listed in active destinations will be sent images as they are acquired from the
CR Pro.
Inactive Destinations –
will be ignored and, therefore, will not
receive images. This specifies valid host destinations that are not active.
Host Alias –
A user selected name for a PACS host. This name can be modified by
selecting the text in the Host Alias combo box and retyping a new name. Changing
the name will not impact DICOM communications. Note that the Host Alias names
are the names the user sees in the DICOM Spooler Host combo box.
Specifies Internet IP address. Usually a World Wide Web address, i.e.
. IP can also be the physical network node address.
Port –
Specifies the logical port of the PACS server. Radlink is currently
using port 107. Other PACS host will have different port assignments.
Client AE Title –
Specifies the Client User Name. This field is ignored by most
Host AE Title
Specifies the application entity title. Call your PACS administrator
for the Host Title. It is case sensitive.
#Retries –
The router will give up and post an error alert if the transmission failed
after the count of 10 retries have been attempted. The default is retry 10 times.