Radijator BIO max 23.1 Instruction Manual Download Page 84

36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića

- Solunca br.6, Srbija

tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs

e-mail: [email protected]


In modify parameters it is possible to decrease the value and the sliding
of the parameters' codes.


With a Click enters to modify the value of the fan speed: Led L8
blinking: With buttons K2 and K3 it is possible to modify the actual set

A long pressure activated the fan at the maximum speed for the length of
the pressure. The display shows UEnt. The procedure is possible only
with state OFF.

In modify parameters it is possilble to increase the value and the sliding
of the parameters' codes.


With a long pressure ignites/extinguishes the boiler: Led L5/Led L6 on.

With a click enters the menu visualisation of the temperature values
provided by the system.

In modify parameters exits without saving.


With a long pressure of both the buttons it is possible to modify the combustion
recipe. It is signalled by led L12-L14: with buttons K2 and K3 it is possible to
modify the actual value Pr1/Pr2/Pr3. The maximum settable combustion recipes
in the user menu is limited to the parameter P89.

In  state OFF or EXTINGUISHING,  in  case  of  alarms,  pushing  the  button K2 or K3 it  is
possible to end the Visualisation. If present again after the reset, they are shown again.

8.1.2 Led




On for selection modality Winter.


On in modality Summer.


On for boiler temperature less than A03-A05.
Blinking for temperature more than the above thermostats.
Off for temperature more than A03.


On if contact Crono closed.



On in State Boiler On.



On in State Boiler Off.


On for Auger On.


On for Combustion Fan On.


On for Pump 1 On.
Blinking for Pump P1 deactivated from Ambient thermostat.


On for Valve/Pump P2 on.


On if Contact Ambient thermostat closed.



On to choose Program Pellet 1.

Summary of Contents for BIO max 23.1

Page 1: ...a tetu uzrokovanu osobama ivotinjama ili stvarima u slu aju gre aka pri monta i regulaciji odr avanju ili nepravilnom kori enju U slu aju curenje vode isklju iti ure aj sa elektri nog napajanja zatvor...

Page 2: ...2 Mere i uredjaji bezbednosti kod kotlova BIOmax 3 3 Kotlarnica 3 4 Priklju enje na dimnjak 4 Presek BIOmax kotla sa opisom elemenata 5 ema veze automatike 6 Tabela sa tehni kim podacima 7 Hidrauli na...

Page 3: ...soba sa ograni enim mogu nostima bez pratnje Zabranjeno je kori enje kotla na instalacijama sa radnom temperaturom ve om od 110 C i radnim pritiskom ve im od 3 bara Zabranjeno je kori enje lako zapalj...

Page 4: ...gao rizik od strujnog udara 1 1 Minimalna udaljenost od zapaljivih materijala Obezbedite odgovaraju u udaljenost od zapaljivih materijala ako je potrebno obezbediti za titu istih Minimalna udaljenost...

Page 5: ...eti su dobijeni od 100 celuloze Ostaci drveta pod visokim pritiskom su sabijeni u pelet pre nika 6mm i du ine 2 3cm Pelet treba pravilno skladi titi i to na suvom mestu da bi se obezbedilo efikasno sa...

Page 6: ...ika 2 poz 2 je po svojem principu rada tzv izviru e gde gorivo iz zone transporta ide vertikalno uvis tj izvire do zone sagorevanja Napravljeno je od masivnih izolacijskih materijala i sivog liva Tran...

Page 7: ...zi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 7 Slika2 Prikaz demonta nih celina kotla 1 Telo kotla 2 Lo i te 3 Pepeljara 4 Pu ni t...

Page 8: ...eta je standardno fabri ki desni u odnosu na kotao Mogu e je naru iti da se u fabrici sklopi i leva varijanta Tako e ako je potrebno lako je promenu izvr iti i na terenu jer je silos i ceo mehanizam d...

Page 9: ...mora biti obezbe en na propisan na in od prekora enja maksimalne radne temperature i pritiska Za propisnu monta u odgovoran je instalater centralnog grejanja koji priklju uje kotao na hidrauli ki sis...

Page 10: ...nu grupu i montiraju se preko T priklju ka Ovaj sigurnosni element mora da podle e i periodi nim ponovnim ba darenjima o emu investitor tj korisnik kotla mora da poseduje validnu dokumentaciju Ventil...

Page 11: ...svaku snagu kotla obavezno ugraditi VTO Mesto ugradnje prikazano je na emi monta e kotla na instalaciju i na slici 8 U kotlu se isporu uje bakarna spirala tako da je potrebno koristiti VTO sa izmenjiv...

Page 12: ...vode u kotlu Zbog sigurnosne uloge u funkcionisanju kotla oba termostata imaju nezavisne sonde za merenje temperature vode Prvi termostat je tzv radni i on slu i da ograni i temperaturu do nivoa koji...

Page 13: ...leve strane kada je silos na desnoj treba da bude udaljen od zida od 100 do 200mm tj onoliko koliko je potrebno prostora za priklju enje ventila za termi ko osiguranje oticanjem Ako se ventil ne ugra...

Page 14: ...blema u radu kotla Glavni problem je nemogu nost postizanja visokih temperature izla ne vode tj ne postizanje maksimalne snage to dovodi do kondezovanja u kotlu Uzeti u obzir neophodan minimalni prost...

Page 15: ...usponu do 3 slika 11 Slika 11 Prikaz priklju enja na dimnjak i prikaz polo aja sonde na dimnja i Treba izbegavati ako je mogu e lukove a ako nije onda je maksimalni broj lukova 2 Dimni kanal od kotla...

Page 16: ...vnih gasova Dimnjak treba redovno da se ist ili barem jedanput godi nje Ukoliko dimnjak nije propisne visine popre nog preseka ili ako se ne isti mogu e su komplikacije u radu kotla Pre svega nije mog...

Page 17: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 17 4 Presek BIOmax kotla sa opisom elemenata...

Page 18: ...Opis 1 Telo kotla 2 Donja vrata za i enje lo i ta 3 Gornja vrata za i enje tela kotla 4 Poklopac otvora za i enje izmenjiva kih cevi 5 Vrata oplate 6 Lo i te PELET 7 Greja 8 Donji pu ni transporter 9...

Page 19: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 19 5 ema vezivanja automatike...

Page 20: ...je cirkulacione pumpe i pumpe akumulatora odnosno bojlera za sanitarnu vodu Kotao mo e da radi i u slu aju da nije priklju ena pumpa za centralno grejanje ali preporuka proizvo a a je da se ona ipak p...

Page 21: ...a hidrauli ku vezu i sa akumulatorom onda je potrebno parametar P37 podesiti na vrednost 4 Ukoliko elimo da automatika vodi proces zagrevanja sanitarne vode i to preko odgovaraju e pumpe onda hidrauli...

Page 22: ...oj snazi 91 56 92 03 92 08 91 26 Nominalna snaga kW 23 83 30 Minimalna Maksimalna snaga kotla kW 6 83 23 83 9 00 30 00 Emisija ugljen monoksida Co pri minimalnoj toplotnoj snazi 10 O2 mg m3 164 326 Em...

Page 23: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 23...

Page 24: ...radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 24 7 Hidrauli ka ema Hidrauli na ema Opis 1 Toplovodni kotao BIOmax 2 Pumpa 3 Me ni ventil 4 Ventil 5 Sigurnosna grupa 6 Ekspanziona posuda 7 Ventil za punj...

Page 25: ...ator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 25 Hidrauli na ema sa akumulatorom Opis 1 Toplovodni kotao BIOmax 2 Pumpa 3 Me ni ventil 4 Ventil 5 Sigurnosna grupa 6 Ekspanziona posuda 7 Ventil za punjenje pra...

Page 26: ...ornjem uglu odnosi se na D1 dok je priklju ak povratnog voda kod istog kotla preme ten na bo ne strane kotla odnosi se na dimenziju E Prilikom monta e na hidrauli ku instalaciju kotao mora biti obezbe...

Page 27: ...og paljenja dok kopiju izve taja o pu tanju kotla u rad zadr ava Garancija i upustvo za upotrebu se daje kupcu Jedan primerak garancije se alje proizvo a u Ako garancija nije ispunjena ona nije va e a...

Page 28: ...pomo u tastera K2 i K3 Ako taster K1 dr imo neprekidno mo emo izabrati zimski odnosno letnji re im rada Pri tome se svetle a dioda L1 odnosno L2 uklju uje Pritiskom na taster K1 potvr uje se birana v...

Page 29: ...uju Mogu e je vr iti promenu recepata Pr1 Pr2 Pr3 Broj mogu ih recepata je odre en parametrom P89 NAPOMENA U re imu Isklju en OFF mo ete resetovati prikaz alarma pritiskom na tastere K2 ili K3 ali ako...

Page 30: ...rovanje Acc Paljenje Sic Sigurnosni re im Stb Stabilizacija SPE Ga enje rEc Ponovno paljenje ALt Isklju en sistem sa Alarmima Prikaz Opis Prikaz Opis tSic Otvoren je priklju ak sigurnosnog termostata...

Page 31: ...slonjen na pod da je klapna ventilatora maksimalno otvorena i da je vo ica klapne za sigurnosni vazduh od 15 do 20 mm slika 16 i 17 Slika 16 Polo aj klapne ventilatora Slika 17 Polo aj max otvorene kl...

Page 32: ...na displeju pi e Chc i u ovih nekoliko sekundi radi samo ventilator Za vreme ove faze automatika proverava da li su svi ure aji neophodni za rad zaista i priklju eni Slede i korak je kada na displeju...

Page 33: ...nuto u gornjem delu teksta u ta ki 2 konstrukcija kotla dozatori za kotao BIOmax 23 1 i BIOmax 35 se razlikuju jer se na dozatoru za BIOmax 23 1 regulacija vazduha za sagorevanje dodatno kontroli e po...

Page 34: ...Klapna na dozatoru Spu tena do crte Primarni ventilator 17 Sekundarni ventilator 18 Nalaganje dozatora 0 5s Pauza izme u nalaganja dozatora 6 5s Na automatiku mo e biti povezan sobni termostat U ovom...

Page 35: ...koli ine vazduha Ako elimo da smanjimo toplotnu mo neophodno je da smanjimo koli inu vazduha Ako se desi da se nivo plamena podi e mo emo da smanjimo vreme nalaganja ili pove amo koli inu vazduha Za...

Page 36: ...glavnom displeju more da pi e OFF Pritisnuti i dr ati dugme Sve dok dr imo dugme transporter radi i na displeju pi e LOAD PELET 8 3 2 START POTPALE NA PELET PREKIDA RADA NA PELET Uklju iti glavni prek...


Page 38: ...e u fazu potpale ali do plamena ne dolazi Grupa I Mogu uzrok 1 PROBLEM 1 Zatvorena klapna ventilatora za primarni vazduh Ventilator se nalazi na dozatoru Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 1 Otvoriti klap...

Page 39: ...ntaktu sa greja em Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 7 Dopuniti nivo peleta Mogu uzrok 8 PROBLEM 8 Preba en je kotao iz automatskog u ru ni re im rada Ako tokom itave faze potpale ne gori lampica za grej...

Page 40: ...i e ili premalo peleta u fazi stabilizacije Ako ima malo ili previ e peleta dok na displeju pi e Stb tj stabilizacija mo e do i do zagu enja plamena i vra anja kotla u stanje ga enja Koli ina peleta u...

Page 41: ...odre eno parametrom t04 u minutima transporter kre e u rad i ventilatori se aktiviraju U ovim periodima dolazi do aktiviranja kotla sve dok ne dobije komandu za start zbog postizanja zadate temperatu...

Page 42: ...o istiti prostor oko segmenata sivog liva za sagorevanje peleta Tako e potrebno je o istiti naslage na zidovima samog lo i ta Ovim dobijamo bolji stepen prenosa jer jedan milimetar naslaga katrana i...

Page 43: ...za i enje ili barem vodenim rastvorom gra evinskog kre a Na taj na in se vr i neutralizacija kiselina usled kondenzacije Na ovaj na in obavezno konzervirati kotao na kraju grejne sezone U toj situacij...

Page 44: ...ip kotla BIOmax 23 1 ili BIOmax 35 Nazivna toplotna snaga kotla BIOmax23 1 23 83kW ili BIOmax35 30kW Podru ije upotrebe toplotne snage BIOmax23 1 6 83 23 83kW ili BIOmax35 9 30kW Potrebna promaja dimn...

Page 45: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 45 8 6 Izjave...

Page 46: ...46 8 7 Nalepnica Na kotlu BIOmax nalaze se nalepnice za ozna avanje priklju aka kao i nalepnice za opasnost od strujnog udara nalepnice za emu povezivanja i dr Nalepnice koje ozna avaju priklju ke za...

Page 47: ...0 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 47 4 Nalepnica Punjenje pra njenje 32mm x 74mm 5 Nalepnica Izmenjiva termi kog osiguranja 32mm x 74mm 6 Nalepnica Sonda termi k...

Page 48: ...81 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 48 Nalepnice koje ozna avaju prisistvo struje visokog napona i opasnosti 1 Nalepnica Napon opasan po ivot 60mm x 80...

Page 49: ...Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 49 3 Nalepnica Napon opasan po ivot VE A 100mm x 150mm 4 Nalepnica Uzemljenje 20mm x 30mm...

Page 50: ...9 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 50 Nalepnice koje ozna avaju upozorenje 1 Nalepnica Izlo eni pokretni delovi mogu izazvati povrede 30mm x 80mm 2 Nalepnica Obavezno po tanje u...

Page 51: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 51 Nalepnice sa tehni kim podacima...

Page 52: ...evo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 52 8 8 Proizvo a RADIJATOR D O O ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 36000 Kral...

Page 53: ...ike mre nog napona koji mora biti u odre enim granicama 1 5 Korisnik mora da se pridr ava navedenih uputstava o kori enju i odr avanju videti ta ku 8 2 Garancijska izjava Izjavljujemo da proizvod ima...

Page 54: ...orima za i enje Delove elijastog sigurnosnog transportera valvole koji su od sivog i nodularnog liva 5 Garancijski rok ne va i ukoliko se posle svake grejne sezone ne odradi redovan servis za zamenu d...

Page 55: ...je servisa mo e da obavlja lice koje alje centralni servis Radijator in enjering a Na nezamenjene delove posle odra enog servisa garancija ne va i Demonta a silosa za pellet od pellet transportera Dem...

Page 56: ...iko je do o te enja le aja valvole do lo zbog upada vrstog tela koje nije iz samog kotla zbog gre ke korisnika ili proizvo a a peleta Radijator in enjering napla uje vrednost le ajeva Proveriti o trin...

Page 57: ...for boilers 3 3 Boiler room 3 4 Connection to the chimney 4 Cross section of BIOmax boiler witha description of the boiler elements 5 Schematic connection of automation 6 Table of technical data 7 Hy...

Page 58: ...by the children and people with limited capabilities without accompaniment is not allowed It is forbidden to use boiler installations operating at temperatures higher then 110 C and pressure greater...

Page 59: ...ith heating and Emission effluents The minimum distance of the boiler and flue pipe gas from the low and averagely combustible materials should be at least 100 mm Minimum distance from flammable mater...

Page 60: ...ed from 100 cellulose Wood residues under high pressure are compressed into pellets of 6 mm in diameter and in length of 2 3cm Pellets should be stored correctly in a dry place to ensure efficient com...

Page 61: ...where the zone of transport of fuel is going vertically upwards i e it springs up to the combustion zone It is made of solid insulating materials and cast iron Fuel transport figure 2 pos 4 is provid...

Page 62: ...Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 62 Figure2 Parts of boiler Discription 1 Body of boiler 2 Combustion chamber 3 Ash...

Page 63: ...rt of pellets is a standard factory right in relation to the boiler It is possible to order the factory assembled and left variant Also if you need to easily make changes in the field because the silo...

Page 64: ...For the proper installation the plumber installer is responsible The manufacturer Radijator inzenjering does not take any responsibility coming from the incorrect installation of the boiler When any i...

Page 65: ...boiler must have valid documentation Safety valve must be mounted on the highest point directly to the boiler and the boiler without any pipeline or any other elements in between For this purpose ther...

Page 66: ...h a copper coil so it is necessary to use the VTO with trhe exchanger as shown in Figure 8 Cold sanitary water is brought to the VTO When the VTO probe has the information that the temperature is over...

Page 67: ...ty role in the functioning of the boiler both thermostats have the independent probes for measuring of water temperature The first thermostat is the so called working thermostat work and it serves to...

Page 68: ...fan and valve for filling and emptying Boiler at its left hand side should be away from the wall 200 mm i e as much as needed for the connection of valves for thermal safety by over flow If the valve...

Page 69: ...the boiler room can cause more problems in the work of boiler Main problem is the inability to achieve high output water temperature i e the lack of maximum power which leads to condensation in the b...

Page 70: ...eys If possible arcs should be avoided but if not possible then the maximum number of arcs is 2 The fume channel from the boiler to the chimney should desirebly be insulated specially if it has arcs a...

Page 71: ...ce a year If the chimney is not of proper height cross section or if it is not enough clean as possible then the complications in the work of boiler are possible First of all it is not possible to ach...

Page 72: ...ljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 72 4 Cross section of BIOmax boiler with a description of the boiler...

Page 73: ...mail radijator radijator rs 73 Description 1 Body of boiler 2 Lower door for cleaning 3 Upper door for cleaning 4 Cover for cleaning 5 Door of panel 6 Combustion pellets 7 Ignition 8 Lower screw conv...

Page 74: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 74 5 Schematic connection of automation...

Page 75: ...red on i e they should not have any supply of the voltage of 220 V On the thermostat for the connection NC is used normally closed contact Seven pole connector is for connecting network cable and for...

Page 76: ...hen the hydraulic scheme should be as shown in figure 13 The point of probe measuring for water temperature in the puffer is marked with S2 In order to run operation of automation properly for the hyd...

Page 77: ...t nominal minimal thermal power 91 56 92 03 92 08 91 26 Nominal Power kW 23 83 30 Minimum Maximum Power of Boiler kW 6 83 23 83 9 00 30 00 Carbon monoxide CO with a minimum thermal input 10 O2 mg m3 1...

Page 78: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 78...

Page 79: ...w radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 79 7 Hydraulic scheme Hydraulic scheme Description 1 Boiler BIOmax 2 Pump 3 Mixing valve 4 Valve 5 Safety group 6 Expansive vessel 7 Valve for inlet outlet...

Page 80: ...r rs e mail radijator radijator rs 80 Hydraulic scheme with akumulation Description 1 Boiler BIOmax 2 Pump 3 Mixing valve 4 Valve 5 Safety group 6 Expansive vessel 7 Valve for inlet outlet cold water...

Page 81: ...for the pressure line to the upper right corner referring to the D1 while the return line connection with the same boiler moved to side of the boiler refer to dimension E In an assembly the boiler sho...

Page 82: ...e boiler in operation is retained Guarantee and instruction manual are given to the customer One copy of Guarantee is sent to the manufacturer If the guarantee is not filled in it is not valid Only bo...

Page 83: ...f the Boiler thermostat Led L3 blinking with buttons K2 and K3 modify the actual set value A long pressure enters to modify the function Winter Summer signalled by the led L1 L2 In modify parameters s...

Page 84: ...ithout saving K2 K3 K2 K3 With a long pressure of both the buttons it is possible to modify the combustion recipe It is signalled by led L12 L14 with buttons K2 and K3 it is possible to modify the act...

Page 85: ...lay State Display State OFF OFF Mod Modulation Chc Check Up MAn Standby Acc Ignition Sic Safety Stb Stabilisation SPE Extinguishing rEc Recover Ignition ALt Boiler OFF with alarms Display State Displa...

Page 86: ...that the flap of the fan is maximum opened and the flap guide for safety air is from 15 to 20 mm Figure 16 and 17 Figure 16 Position of the fan damper Figure 17 Position of max opening of vent flap P...

Page 87: ...for the few seconds only the fan is working During this phase of the automatic system checks whether all devices necessary for the operation are actually connected The next step is when the display sa...

Page 88: ...Wh 41 Amount of pellets consumed kg 9 32 Calorific value of pellets consumed kWh kg 4 874 NOTE These are the values measured during certification As already noted in the above part of the text in item...

Page 89: ...y fan 18 Loading the feeder 0 5 s Pause between loading the feeder 6 5 s The room thermocouple thermostat can be connected to automation system In this case it is important to adjust the room temperat...

Page 90: ...the amount of air If we want to reduce thermal power it is necessary to reduce the amount of air If it happens that the level of flame rises we can reduce the time of loading or increase the amount o...

Page 91: ...s The main display must write OFF Push the button and keep As long as we keep working conveyor button and the display says LOAD PELLET 8 3 2 START IGNITION PELLETS STOP WORKING ON PELET Turn the main...


Page 93: ...osing system usually this situation is during the night Then the temperature drops or the user wants a higher temperature usually in the morning and the boiler receives a signal to start the ignition...

Page 94: ...ich the boiler is connected is much lower than 220 230V so the capacity of the heater is lower The procedure for troubleshooting 6 Connect the AC Voltage adapter or ignite manually Possible cause 7 CA...

Page 95: ...oubleshooting 2 Adjust values of parameters Uc00 and Uc01 the factory default or close to the factory default values Possible cause 3 CAUSE 3 Fan speed in the flame stabilization phase The boiler inte...

Page 96: ...cause 7 CAUSE 7 The boiler has entered the phase of stabilization but after a while the fire is extinguished The procedure for troubleshooting 7 You forgot to push back the ashes tray into its compar...

Page 97: ...ration beside the functioning of the phase of flame maintenance does not have enough pellets for the start and work in normal mode Eliminating the cause of mistake 1 Reduce the parameter t04 i e incre...

Page 98: ...een cost iron segments Also it is necessary to clean the deposits on the walls of the firebox By this we provide a better transfer as one millimeter layer of tar and soot decreases the conductivity by...

Page 99: ...means for cleaning or else by means of water solution of constyruction lime In this way the neutralization of acids is carried out due to condensation In this way the boiler is conserved at the end of...

Page 100: ...duct primer 2013 Type of boiler BIOmax 23 1 or BIOmax 35 Nominal power of boiler BIOmax23 1 23 83kW or BIOmax35 30kW Heat output range BIOmax23 1 6 83 23 83kW or BIOmax35 9 30kW Necessary chimey draft...

Page 101: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 101 8 6 Declaration...

Page 102: ...or rs 102 8 7 Sticker On the boiler BIOmax there are stickers identifying the connections as well as labels against the risk of electric shock stickers for scheme of connections etc Labels that indica...

Page 103: ...399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 103 4 Sticker Cold water inlet outlet 32mm x 74mm 5 Sticker inlet outlet of thermal safety relief valve 32mm x 74mm 6 Sticker Probe of tempe...

Page 104: ...381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 104 Labels that indicate the presence of electricity high voltage and danger 1 Sticker Hazardous voltage 60mm x 80...

Page 105: ...br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 105 3 Nalepnica Hazardous voltage BIGGER 100mm x 150mm 4 Sticker Safety electrical connection 20mm...

Page 106: ...36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 106 Labels that indicate warning 1 Sticker Exposed moving parts can couse seveire injury 30mm x 80mm 2 Sticker Only an approved installer...

Page 107: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 107 Labels with technical data...

Page 108: ...o ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 108 8 8 Manufactured RADIJATOR D O O ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 36000 Kr...

Page 109: ...of the power supply which must be within certain limits 1 5 The user must follow the following instructions on how to use and maintain the boiler see item 8 2 Warranty statement We herewith declare th...

Page 110: ...y conveyor valvole which are made of gray and ductile iron castings 5 Warranty period does not apply if after each heating season the regular servicing is not performed the replacement of parts in the...

Page 111: ...ed up to 5 years from the date of commissioning Service and extension of service can be performed by a person sent by the Central Service of the Co Radiator engineering For not changed parts after the...

Page 112: ...ng of the bearings is difficult replace the bearings on both sides If the damage of the bearings of valvoles is due to intrusion of solid body that is not from the boiler due to user s mistake or manu...

Page 113: ...36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 113...
