36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića
- Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
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Figure 8 . Installation of safety elements
Thermostats in the automation of the boiler (Figure 9)
Within the automation itself that leads the combustion process and influences the work of two
cycles of heating, there are two termostatats. Both are of similar construction as the thermostat
shown in figure 9 and they have safety functions as limiters of the temperature of water in the
boiler. Because of the safety role in the functioning of the boiler, both thermostats have the
independent probes for measuring of water temperature. The first thermostat is the so-called
„working thermostat” work and it serves to limit the temperature to a level the user wants.
Another thermostat is the „safety thermostat” because it stops the opration of the fan which
favors the flame, and adds a new energy. Safety temperature is limited to 95 degrees Celsius.
It is very important to connect the pump for heating through automation for safety
reasons. When the temperature of water in the boiler reaches the critical value of 95
degrees the fan stops working, but the pump is necessarily switched on to exchange the heat
of water through radiators.
Figure 9. Thermostat on automatic