36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića
- Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
2. Description of the boiler
Boiler BIOmax is developed as the Company RADIJATOR ENGINEERING might offer to the
market the boiler, which by its mechanical and thermal properties is specially intended for
biomass as fuel
Using the general term "BIOMASS"
of course, it is primarily meant and
considered - the pellet, but it should be noted and the possibility of firing the seeds of fruit
(cherries, blackcherries...). If the user wants to use some form of biomass that is not listed, be
sure to call the service design and development
or an
authorized dealer, because very often some forms of biomass require a separate, specific
combustion solutions. When using these fuels means the automatic control of the main
operating parameters. In all stipulated examples of using biomass it requires a certain degree of
dryness of the fuels.
Only the combustion takes place in this situation under the forced drafts centrifugal fan, there is
a pull-out gas, and adding secondary air intake fan on the exit part of the boiler. Of course it is
BIOmax in these conditions combustion more efficient than its predecessors, which operate on
the principle of free draft or forced draft just one fan.
Wood pellets are produced from 100 % cellulose. Wood residues under high pressure are
compressed into pellets of 6 mm in diameter and in length of 2- 3cm . Pellets should be stored
correctly in a dry place to ensure efficient combustion. Boilers BIOmax 23.1 and BIOMax 35
use pellet of 6mm diameter, of 5 -30mm length and humidity up to 10 % manufactured in
accordance with EN 14962-2.
Series of boilers BIOmax IS MANUFACTURED in two variants: BIOmax23.1 and BIOmax35.
BIOmax23.1 covers the power range of 15
23 kW and BIOmax35 is in the range of 20
By exterior design, size firebox openings for heating and cleaning BIOmax kept all the good
features of the previous model in which
distinctive market.
Water part of the boiler, its mode changes between flue gas heat and water, adjusted to biomass
and wood. Because of the the application of two fans, that is forced draft flue gas path is longer
than standard boilers. For the same reasons, the usage of routers flue gases - turbulators further
increase the efficiency of the boiler. In BIOMax boilers where the exchanger tubes are of 42mm
diameter ( BIOmax 23.1 ) and 48mm ( BIOmax35 ) spiral turbulence units have been applied
having the dual role i.e. leading to greater efficiency as well as to facilitate cleaning.
(see Figure 1)
Efficiency of pellet is over 90 %. In normal mode the flue gas temperature at the exit is about
120 ° C, and in maximum regimes it is below 150 ° C. These values may at any time to observed
on the display. Each TKAN boiler has a copper heat exchanger for the connection of the fan for