RM-111 Operations Manual
Specifi cations
Specifi cations
2.6 Outputs (Port D Only)
Open collector with 1000 Ohm pull-up to 5V.
Maximum input current:
100 mA (If using RM-10-01 with serial number below
501000 the maximum number of standards the RM-111
will support is 6. The RM-111 will support more of the
newer generation standards).
Vmax Pull Up: 25 volts - 500mW zener clamp at 33 volts
(14.4mA maximum current)
Typical State: Open
2.7 Output Accessories (Port D Only)
RM-1R Electronic/Mechanical Potential Relay
Mechanical Relay Specifi cations
Coin silver dry contact relay
.004 ohms typical, .005 ohms maximum
5 amps AC RMS
630 volts AC RMS (relay clamped at 680V)
VA max Switch:
125 VA inductive
Operate Time:
8 mS maximum
Release Time:
8 mS maximum
Offset Time:
2 mS maximum
Dielectric Withstand:
2.5kV to any other part of the unit