RM-111 Operations Manual
14. To re-run the test select Re-Run Test. The pulses will be counted again and the new count will
be displayed on the RM-111. Press ENTER to continue.
15. To display the calculated results select Show Results. The end count is displayed along with
a down arrow icon in the lower right corner. This icon references the DOWN ARROW key on
the RM-111 hand controller. By pressing the DOWN ARROW key the RM-111 displays the
calculated results. Using the UP/DOWN ARROW keys the user can move between the watthour
count and the calculated results.
16. To print the results connect the RM-RPP Remote Portable Printer to the SERIAL PORT on the
RM-111. Turn the RM-RPP to the ON 1 position. Select Print Results. This will start the printing
process. The printout is time/date stamped and includes both the watthour count and the calculated
% Registration or % Error.
17. To save the results select Save Results. The RM-111 will prompt the user for the enabled
parameters in the User Prompts menu and save the test results.
Application 7
Application 7