MAC address of shared LAN interface. It should be same for both individual RipEX2 units. This MAC
address has to differ from other MAC addresses used in unit. It is possible to use e.g. VRRP type of
addresses: 00:00:5E:00:01:XX.
To prevent a collision with broadcast addresses (in case of Flexible protocol usage), the address
must not be ended with :FF:FF:FF.
Virtual Radio MAC
While in HotStandby mode, it is nessessary to set identical radio MAC address (HotStdby_RadioMac)
in both stations, because protocol link address is derived from the address.
Virtual IP
This address has to fit into range of addresses used for the relevant network interface (e.g. ETH 1)
and will be used as shared IP address for LAN interface. The radio address use used according to
setting in SETTINGS/Interfaces/Radio/IP - the same address has to be set in both radio modems.
Unit chassis position
List box {Unit A; Unit B}, default = "Unit B"
Position of the unit in HS chassis, set Unit A for unit in A position and vice versa.
Fallback time
Time in seconds. The time delay to stay on the standby unit, after all alarms are solved.
Guard mode
List box {INCLUDE; EXCLUDE}, default = "INCLUDE"
Defines the behavior of guarding of ETH interfaces. INCLUDE requires all guarded lines in UP status
– if one of these guarded lines is not in UP state, alarm occurs and the switching to the standby unit
is executed.
Guard ETH1 .. ETH5 active
List box {On; Off}, default = "Off"
Switches on guarding of the individual ETH link.
Toggle now
This button allows to switch from unit Active status to the non-active.
It will not be possible if:
○ The second unit is in alarm status.
○ The HW MODE selector is not set to AUTO.
○ The unit is in not-active status.
It is possible to change the active status from the A to the B unit using shall command
rrcmd rrhstdby web passivate
” and back from A to B using command “
rrcmd rrhstdby
web activate
”. Both units should be without errors for the SW switching.
RipEX2 Radio modem & Router – © RACOM s.r.o.