5.1.2. Configuration examples
You can see an example of IP addresses of the SCADA equipment and RipEX2 ETH interfaces in the
picture below.
In Bridge mode, the IP address of the ETH interface of RipEX2 is not relevant for user data communic-
ation. However it is strongly recommended to assign a unique IP address to each RipEX2 Network in-
terface, since it allows for easy local as well as remote service access. Moreover, leaving all RipEX2
units with the same (= default) IP on the ETH interface may cause serious problems, when more RipEX2
units are connected to the same LAN, even if by accident (e.g. during maintenance).
Fig. 5.1: Bridge mode example
Because using the bridge mode makes the radio network transparent, the use of repeaters has certain
limitations. To keep matters simple we recommend using a single repeater. However, if certain rules
are observed, using multiple repeaters in the same network is possible.
The total number of repeaters in the network is configured for every unit individually under Settings/In-
terfaces/Radio/Radio protocol parameters. This information is contained in every packet sent. All units
that receive such packet will resume transmission only after sufficient time has been allowed for the
packet to be repeated. The packets received from user ports remain buffered and are sent after the
appropriate time passes. This prevents collisions between remote radio modems. There can be no
repeater collisions if only one repeater is used.
Where two or more repeaters are used, collisions resulting from simultaneous reception of a repeated
packet must be eliminated. Collisions happen because repeaters repeat packets immediately after re-
ception, i.e. if two repeaters receive a packet from the center, they both relay it at the same time. If
there is a radio modem which is within the range of both repeaters, it receives both repeated packets
at the same time rendering them unreadable.
RipEX2 Radio modem & Router – © RACOM s.r.o.
RipEX2 in detail