Filter network
List box {Off; Match; Not match}, default = "Off"Selects a method of the routing rule destination
range comparison.
Network IP / Network mask
IP address, default = address and mask defines the network prefix to be compared
Mask from
Number {0 – 32}, default = 0
Mask to
Number {0 – 32}, default = 32Definition of the enabled range of the mask length of the processed
routing rule.
Filter BGP path
List box {Off; Is empty; Not empty; Contain; Not contain}, default = "Off"Filtering based on the BGP
Path (routing rule path over different AS). "Is empty" – defines an empty path (routing rule from the
local AS). "Contain" – defines paths containing specific AS.
Path position
List box {Any; Neighbor; Source}, default = "Any"Selects position of the specific AS (
Path AS
"Any" – anywhere on the path. "Neighbor" – the path was received from this AS (last on the path).
"Source" – routing rule originates from this AS (first on the path).
Path AS
Number {0 – 2
-1}, default = 65000The number of the AS searched for.
List box {Accept; Reject; Pass}, default = "Accept"Defines what action is taken with the matching
routing rule. "Pass" continues in processing.
Prepend local AS
Number {0 – 8}, default = 0Enables to append (even multiple times) local AS number to the BGP
path end – making the path virtually longer. The longer path is handicapped during the comparisons
and selections. Export OUT filter
Export OUT filter rules. The order of rules matters. Maximum number of filter rules is 256.
Filter policy
List box {Accept; Reject}, default = "Accept"Defines what action is taken on the routing rules which
were not captured (i.e. fallback) in the
Export OUT filter
List box {On; Off}, default = "On"Enables / disables the filter rule.
Informational note.
Filter network
List box {Off; Match; Not match}, default = "Off"Selects a method of the routing rule destination
range comparison.
RipEX2 Radio modem & Router – © RACOM s.r.o.