8.7.2. RSS ping
RSS ping is a diagnostic tool for the radio performance measurement (Radio Signal Strength and
modulation Mean Squared Error) of the individual radio hops within a RipEX2 network. Hybrid networks
are supported. Output format of different type (other than radio) of hops is similar to ICMP ping.
Destination IP
Destination IP address. This address must belong to a RipEX2 unit as the RSS ping can be initiated
only between two RipEX2 units.
Length [B]
Number {8 – 1500}, default = 10
The length of data used by RSS ping. In case the length of RSS ping packet is longer than the
length of
Radio interface MTU
, the first RSS ping packet will be lost and will cause decreasing of
the packet length to the value matching to the current radio MTU. Random data are used as a
Period [ms]
Number {100 – 3 600 000}, default = 1000
Period of sending RSS ping packets
When the period is set to a shorter number than the actual RTT, collisions might appear (depends
on the selected Radio protocol). In order to reach the shortest possible period enable the
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Timeout [ms]
Number {100 – 3 600 000}, default = 10000
Response timeout
Number {1 – 10000}, default = 5
Number of RSS pings to be send
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