IQ3 Drag Dash Installation Manual
After you have recorded your data you are ready to upload the data into your PC.
Configuring the Record Parameters
The first step to programming the record parameters to your data logger is to connect your data
logger to your PC using the serial communications cable supplied with your data logger. Once the
logger is connected turn on power to your data logger.
Next, start the DataLink II program and open the car configuration file. You can do so by clicking
from the Menu bar, and selecting
Open Car Configuration
. Select the configuration file
named IQ3_Config_Dash, and click OK.
Next, position the mouse cursor over the
IQ3 Logger
channel button, and click the right mouse
button (shown below, ). The logger edit dialog box will be displayed (shown below).
Located in the top of the dialog box are tabs, locate and click on the
Dash Info
Next locate the Custom Programming Options area of this window
To select an option for editing, simply position the mouse cursor over the option and click the
left mouse button. The option will become highlighted. The options channel dropdown box and
option help box, located to the right of the list, will be updated with appropriate information for