Instruction Book
9828 0934 73
3.1 General
Control panel
General description
The electronic regulator automatically controls the dryer, i.e.:
keeps the pressure dew-point stable
stops the dryer whenever necessary
restarts the dryer when required
In order to control the dryer and to read and modify programmable parameters, the regulator has a control
panel provided with:
LEDs indicating the status of the dryer
a display indicating the operating conditions or a fault
keys to control the dryer and to access the data collected by the regulator
buttons to manually start and stop the dryer
In general, the regulator has following functions:
controlling the dryer
protecting the dryer
automatic restart after voltage failure (made inactive)
Controlling the dryer
The regulator keeps the pressure dew-point stable at no load by opening or closing the solenoid valve of
the hot-gas by-pass.
In order to keep the condenser pressure constant:
For air-cooled versions, the regulator starts and stops the fan motor(s) as necessary.
For water-cooled versions, the water regulating valve regulates the cooling water flow.
Protecting the dryer
In case the pressure in the refrigerant circuit is too high, the dryer will be stopped.
For air-cooled versions, the dryer will also be stopped if there is an overload of a fan motor. Warning.
A warning message appears if the electronic water drain is malfunctioning.