Version M 22-April-2012
Place warning signs at all work area accesses. The signs must
be appropriate and clearly visible. It is recommended that work
area accesses be interconnected to the Laser Remote Interlock.
During normal operation, the laser area (work area) must be
marked off by screens, walls or other means that ensure that
laser beams outside the area are less than the AEL (class 1 type
laser). These screens must
be covered by materials that may
reflect the laser wavelength. They must not be inflammable, nor
may they, when exposed to the direct laser beam (even only for
several seconds), allow laser radiation greater than the AEL limit
to pass.
A warning area limited by barriers is necessary to warn all
people of the potential risk that lies within the laser area.
Only qualified people may operate the lasers. When not in use,
the lasers must be completely inoperable. This may be done by
removing the laser key, for example. It must be impossible for
unauthorized people to operate the laser.
Aiming laser radiation at individuals, vehicles, aircraft or any
other flying object is prohibited by federal regulations.
Due to the risk of electric shock, the power supply must be
switched off and disconnected from the Laser Head prior to any
maintenance operation. Electric shocks or burns resulting from
the power supply may cause serious injury or death.
Operate the laser at the lowest possible beam intensity, given
the requirements of the intended application.
Increase the beam diameter wherever possible to reduce beam
intensity and thus reduce the hazard.
Use an IR detector or energy detector to verify that the laser
beam is off before working in front of the laser.
Provide enclosures for the beam path whenever possible.
Set up an energy absorber to capture the laser beam, preventing
unnecessary reflections or scattering.
5.0 Other Hazards
The following hazards may be considered typical for this product:
Risk of exposure to hazardous laser energy and injury through
failure to follow appropriate laser safety procedures.
Risk of exposure to hazardous laser energy through unauthorized
removal of protective covers.
Risk of exposure to hazardous or lethal voltages through
unauthorized removal of protective covers.
Risk of injury when lifting or moving the unit.
6.0 Disposal
This product contains material that is considered hazardous industrial
waste. If for any reason a laser is rendered unusable and is not
repairable, Quantel recommends that disposal of the system follow
all appropriate guidelines for such hazardous waste to prevent
environmental degradation.
7.0 Safe Operation of the Laser
Never look at the direct beam from the laser or one of its
reflections. No visual alignment should be made when the
electric power supply of the laser is ON. Permanent eye damage
or blindness may result.
Avoid exposing any part of the body to the beam. Avoid blocking
the laser beam with any part of the body.
Limit work area access to the required personnel only. Only use
the laser in supervised areas, which are clearly marked and have
supervised access.
Remove all objects with a reflecting or shiny surface from the
work area, as well as all inflammable materials.
Do not wear reflective jewelry while using the laser, as it may
cause hazardous reflections.
Maintain a high level of ambient lighting in the laser operation
area so the eye pupil remains constricted, reducing the
possibility of hazardous exposure.