4.12 Factory reset
Selecting Factory reset at the main terminal menu, then answering the question “Are you sure?”
with “Y”, results in the EEPROM configuration resetting to the factory default state, including
restoring the TCXO reference frequency to 25000000 and erasing the log file (if any). Pressing
any other key cancels the factory reset.
4.13 Update firmware
Puts QDX into the QFU Bootloader mode, for firmware update. Please refer to the section of this
manual describing the firmware update procedure.
4.14 Exit terminal
As mentioned previously, exit terminal returns QDX to normal operating mode, processing
incoming CAT commands as usual. The terminal should also be disconnected (or closed) so as to
free up the serial port for use by WSJT-X or whatever software you are using – remember that
only one PC software application can use the serial port at a time.
5. Troubleshooting Transmit issues
A common problem is that you think you’re transmitting in WSJT-X (for example), but QDX is not
producing any audio. The 3mm red Status LED on the QDX front panel can be used to debug
these issues efficiently. The Status LED flashes during transmit, once, twice or thrice, with the
LED on for 0.1 seconds and off for 0.1 seconds between flashes; the sequence is repeated every
1 second. Observe what the LED is doing when you think you are transmitting, and diagnose the
fault as below.
No flashes
If the LED does not flash at all when you try to transmit from your host PC application, then you
may not have set up your Virtual COM Port setting correctly in the host PC application (for
example, WSJT-X). Normally it is recommended to use CAT control to enable PTT, not VOX.
When it wishes to switch from transmit to receive (or vice versa) the PC will issue CAT commands
over the Virutal COM Port serial interface, telling QDX to switch to transmit. This will only work if
the serial port has been correctly set to the port QDX is on, and if you have selected the correct
CAT rig (for example, Kenwood TS-440). VOX is not recommended, but if you have enabled VOX
PTT rather than CAT, and QDX does not transmit, it means the sound is not reaching QDX (see
the 1-flash and 2-flashes diagnostics below).
1 flash:
In this case, the host program on the PC has activated the PTT (Push To Talk) by the appropriate
CAT command, switching QDX into transmit mode; however, no audio is being received from the
PC over the USB cable link. This is normally because you have not selected QDX as the audio
output device in your PC software settings e.g. WSJT-X. Refer to the configuration section earlier
QDX operating manual; firmware 1_04