4.10 Log file
This application is very useful for debugging CAT problems. The log file is stored in the EEPROM
chip. The EEPROM chip capacity is 8 KB (Kilobytes) or 8,192 characters. However the
configuration parameters also reside in EEPROM, so the available space for the log file is a little
less: 8,064 characters, to be precise! When the log file is full, no further characters are written to it.
On opening the Log file application, the existing contents of the log file are displayed. When the
screen is full, it will scroll automatically; you can use the scroll bar of the window to see text that
has scrolled off the top of the screen if you wish. The current logging status is displayed in yellow
in the bottom right corner. In this example, the status is “ALL” which means that all events are
being logged.
The available keyboard commands are:
Quit the log file application screen (logging remains active, if enabled)
Clear the log file
Log all events
Log only error events
No logging at all (logging is switched off)
In the log file, each event is written as one line. There are several times of log file entry:
Errors have the line prefix “ERR:”
CAT commands are shown (semicolon terminated) followed by the command result, if any.
An unrecognized or invalid CAT command would be prefixed by the error code “ERR: “.
Radio state changes are indicated by the item being changed, followed by the new value.
QDX operating manual; firmware 1_04