4.2 Entering terminal applications mode
Normally the QDX serial port is connected internally to the QDX’s CAT command interpreter. CAT
commands include text and numbers, each CAT command is terminated by a semicolon. CAT
commands never include a carriage return (enter).
Note that when the terminal is connected, you can actually type on your keyboard to send CAT
commands. For example, try typing FA; (just those three characters – no Enter at the end). The
text FA00007074000; will appear on the terminal. FA is the command to read or set VFO A, and
the result is 7.074 kHz, the default QDX startup frequency. HOWEVER, this is not a very
convenient or easy way to try out CAT commands, there is a CAT command testing application
which is much easier to use.
To switch to terminal applications mode, simply press the Enter key on your keyboard. Now the
terminal applications mode will appear in your terminal emulator window, as shown below. The
screen shows the QDX firmware version (coloured yellow at top left), and a list of applications
coloured white. You may use the cursor keys to move the highlighted application up and down in
the list, and press Enter to select an application. Any application can be quit by pressing Ctrl-Q
which returns the terminal to the main menu screen.
Operation of each of the applications will be described in detail in subsequent sections.
4.3 Exiting terminal applications mode
When exiting terminal applications mode, do not simply close the terminal emulator window. Doing
so will leave the QDX in terminal applications mode and it will not accept CAT commands. To
switch it back to CAT command mode, use the cursor keys to scroll down to the “Exit terminal”
option at the bottom of the list, and press Enter. The screen is now cleared, and QDX is back in
CAT command mode. Only then should you close the terminal emulator window.
QDX operating manual; firmware 1_04