Display elements
This annotated screenshot illustrates the various elements on the display.
The display elements on the top row are:
Total 80-column screen width, in Hz. In this case an 80 Hz wide screen means each
block is a 1 Hz Waterfall bucket
Hz per horizontal division. There are always 8 horizontal divisions on the screen.
This parameter displays the number of Hz per division.
the update rate of the screen, or put another way, time per horizontal scroll row.
The time per vertical division of the screen (distance between the horizontal blue dot
grid lines)
The mode matching this update rate; various popular modes coded and when an
update rate matches a mode, the mode name is written here. See below for the list of
supported update rates.
Center frequency of the waterfall
The most recent frequency measurement
displayed at the top right when no audio signal is detected
displayed at the top right when the screen is paused by the space bar
At very fast update rates, which are useful for displaying some features, the screen update
is too slow to display all the information and still be capable of updating fast enough. Therefore
information is dropped. At 20ms per row (50 row updates per second) the only text on the display
is “20ms” in the top left corner; the grid lines are still displayed. At 10ms (100 row updates per
QDX operating manual; firmware 1_04