Firmware Update procedure
On occasion QRP Labs may make available updated firmware for QDX, in order to deliver bug
fixes or functionality enhancements.
QDX contains a new firmware update procedure for STM32-series microcontrollers, called QFU
RP Labs
pdate) which provides the following features:
– anyone can do the firmware update
No additional hardware required:
only a standard USB A-B cable (or micro-USB cable if
you have installed a micro-USB connector)
No additional software required:
just the standard file manager application that is already
available on any PC
No drivers:
no special drivers need to be installed, the existing drivers on any modern PC
operating system are used
Works on any PC Operating System:
and in the same way: Windows, Linux, Mac
firmware files are published on the QRP Labs website and are encrypted using
256-bit AES encryption technology
Entering bootloader (firmware update) mode:
QDX provides two possible ways to enter firmware update mode:
1) On powering up QDX, you will see the QDX status LED flickers quickly for 5 seconds after
power up, then illuminates solidly. If you power down QDX during this 5 seconds, then apply
power again, QDX will now boot up in QFU (Firmware Update) mode.
2) Select the “Update firmware” menu option in the QDX Terminal (see subsequent section of
this manual). QDX will then enter firmware update mode.
In firmware update mode, the status LED flashes slowly.
Exiting bootloader (firmware update) mode:
QDX provides two possible ways to exit firmware update mode:
1) Update the firmware! After updating the firmware, QDX will automatically reboot in normal
operating mode.
2) Power down QDX, and re-apply the power again. QDX will reboot in normal operating mode.
USB Flash memory stick emulation:
In the firmware update mode, the QDX pretends to be a USB Flash memory stick, having a
4MByte capacity and implementing a FAT16 file system. This virtual “Flash stick” contains two
the firmware program file of the QDX microcontroller. You may read the file from QDX, or
write a new one, just by dragging files in your file manager application.
QDX operating manual; firmware 1_04