Panel is intended for wall mounting at a height where the analyzer can be easily viewed.
B.1 Plumbing
Inlet fitting is 3/8” hose barb and outlet connection and sample vents are 1/2” compression
tubing. The inlet source should be a representative sample from the process with the
following criteria:
Sample flow rate: Adjust needle valve to permit enough flow to allow flow switch to
actuate. Pressure range at the analyzer inlet: 45 psi
Pressure at the analyzer outlet: if not to drain then it should be lower than inlet
pressure. Water quality: Clear, not turbid
Maximum temperature: 40 deg C (104 deg F)
Note: Do not expose sensors to high pressures! Always open the downstream sample
shutoff and needle valves first before opening the upstream sample valve when
commissioning the unit. When turning off the sample stream close valves in reverse order
by first closing the upstream valve.