The PL can be equipped with Digital’s optional units and expansion boards, as well
as a variety of commercially available ISA-bus compatible boards. This chapter de-
scribes both the products that can be installed in the PL and their installation meth
PL-5700 Series User’s Manual
3-1 Available Options and Expansion Boards
3-2 Installing Options and Expansion Boards
Installing Optional Units
and Expansion Boards
Desc ription
Ins tallation L oc ation
DIM module
P L-EM000
P L-EM001
P L-EM002
Main memory board
(PL-E M000 : 4MB
(PL-E M001 : 8MB
(PL-E M002 : 16 MB )
Ins ide the PL
E x ternal
P L-EC000
256-K B s econdary cache memory board Inside the P L
HDD unit
D edic ate d HD D unit wi th built-in 2 . 5 "
810-MB hard dis k
Ins ide the PL
F DD unit
P L-FD000
P C/AT compatible, 3.5" F DD integrated
Ins ide the PL . This unit cannot
be ins talled at the s ame time as
the memory card interface unit.
P L-FD001
P C/A T compa ti ble , 3 . 5 " F DD uni t f or
development and maintenance
E xte rnally c onnec te d. Us ea s
e ith e r a sta nd - alo ne uni t o r
atta c h to P L's rear panel. The
memory card interfa ce unit ca n
be als o used, when this unit is
ins talled.
Memory card
interface unit
P L-MC000
J EIDA (V er 4.1)-complia nt IC me mory
card interface
Ins ide the PL. This unit cannot
be ins talled at the s ame time as
the memory card interface unit.
IDE slave
P L-SA000
Adapter for connecting an IDE-compliant
C D-ROM drive. DC power cord included.
E xternally connected. Connects
to P L's IDE connector.
F lash ROM
P L-FR000
F lash ROM board which accommodates
up to two 2-MB ROM drives. One drive
can be assigned to drive A: or B: (the OS
starts from drive A: only). Another drive can
be as s igne d to drive C: or succeeding
characters (i.e. D:, E :, etc.). Each disk used
c a n b e s e p a ra te ly p r o g r a m m e d .
(FR OMDISK Programming Tool included.)
Ins ide the PL.
F lash file disk
P L-F F000
3MB silicon dis k unit compatible with hard
dis ks
Ins ide the PL.
P L-F F001
10MB s ilicon disk unit compati ble with
hard dis ks
Ins ide the PL.
3-1 Available Options and Expansion Boards
Optional Products