Using Destinations
View a list of all your destinations for the last 30 days. Tap on
any destination
to access its Location Details / Route
Planning and Options page.
Using the Trip Log
The Current Trip bar shows you how far, long and the average
speed at which you've travelled on your current trip.
The Trips bar lists (up to the past 30 days) the dates of your trips
as Trip Date buttons that you can tap that will takes you each
specific Trip Date Details page. Your total travelled distance and
average speed for that date are displayed on the Trip Date
button as well.
Tap on any
Trip Date
button to go to that date's Trip Date Details
page where you can view Individual Trip Time bars. You can lock
any trip by tapping the
button. This will keep the locked
trip in your Trip Log while the other, unlocked ones, are erased
automatically after 30 days. Tap on any
view its Location Details / Route Planning and Options page.
Export any trip as a KML file by tapping the
Export as KML
You can delete all of your Trip Logs, except of course the ones
you've previously locked, by tapping
Delete All Logs