Screens 3.1.2-2:
this screen is used for battery setting.
You can select the battery high and low warning voltage range. The range of high voltage goes from
13.0V to 15.0V.
The range of shutdown voltage goes from 10.5V to 12V. The range of low voltage depends on
shutdown voltage.
Screen 4.0
UPS Information
To modify the rated values on the screens, it is necessary to introduce the Password on the previous screen 3.0,
otherwise they only will be able to be visualized.
The basic information shows UPS FW version, serial N.O manufacturer, service information,
The rated information shows output voltage ,output frequency and disable or enable condition.
It also shows upper margin and lower margin voltage of the line, bypass and ECO, And upper margin and lower
margin frequency of the line, bypass, and ECO.