You can select Whether UPS is enable or disable CVCF mode, Bypass output.
You can select the bypass voltage range. The range of voltage goes from 176 to 264.
You can select the bypass frequency range. The range of frequency goes from 46Hz to 54Hz when UPS
is 50Hz system and goes from 56 Hz to 64 Hz when UPS is 60Hz system.
You can select the ECO voltage range. The range of voltage goes from (Vout - 11 V) to(Vout +11V).
You can select the ECO frequency range. The range of frequency goes from 46Hz to 54Hz when UPS is
50Hz system and goes from 56 Hz to 64 Hz when UPS is 60Hz system.
You can select Whether UPS is enable or disable ECO mode.
This screen is used for transform voltage and Power display.
You can select Wire system between “3Ph_4Wire” and “3Ph_3Wire”.
You can select input voltage ratio between the following options:
You can select output voltage ratio between the following options:
You can select output power ratio. The range of ratio goes form 50% to 200%.