Licencing (panel:app Licence)
EXPERT 75 - HW 1.0
then carry out a licence request. The test pe-
riod for an app refers to a period of use and
is independent of the actual use of the app.
The terminal does not accept the activation
code entered, see Illustration 9-7 and Illus-
tration 9-8.
Check if you made a mistake when entering
the activation code and try again if neces-
sary. Furthermore, the activation code must
be intended for the terminal. Check that the
terminal serial number matches the serial
number on the website
given during the request. Only enter the dis-
played activation code on the terminal with
the serial number provided.
The terminal does not import the licence file
from the USB stick.
The licence file is intended for a terminal
with a specific serial number. The serial
number is in the file name: "<terminal serial
number>.SP.liz". Files with a different serial
number will not be loaded by the terminal.
Ensure that the terminal serial number
matches the serial number on the website
given during the request.