Layout manager (panel:app Layout)
EXPERT 75 - HW 1.0
To create an individual layout, proceed as follows:
In the main view of the panel:app layout, select the function key "Create a new lay-
In the detailed view of the new layout, the preset layout name can be changed.
In the main area of the layout, select a cell in which a widget is to be placed. The se-
lected cell is always the upper left corner of the widget. So there should be enough
space available to the right and underneath the widget. A list of all possible insertable
widgets opens (cf. Illustration 6-5). If a screen element is selected and confirmed with
"Ok", it is placed in the corresponding cells in the main area.
To place widget keys in the layout, select a softkey cell in the main area and assign
the desired widget key to the list (cf. Illustration 6-6).
Illustration 6-7 shows a layout after the panel:app TECU speed display has been placed in the
left column of the first row in the main area, and the exit softkey has been inserted in the top
left. The blue background of a widget indicates that the cell area is currently active, while the
background of the widgets is otherwise shown in red. So, in Illustration 6-7 the cell area of the
speed display is active, in Illustration 6-8 the cell where the illumination setting is placed is
To delete a widget or a widget key from a layout, select the associated cell range, or widget
cell or the corresponding soft key. From the list that opens, assign the null widget or null
widget key. This removes the widget or widget key from the display in the main area.
A widget can be moved in the layout by deleting it from the existing layout and reinserting it
in another position.