Configuring Display Settings | 57
Delete the pound sign (
) at the beginning of each line to
uncomment the lines.
Edit the lines to match each device you installed, and
save your changes.
To modify the OWconfig file
This section explains the first example of the preceding sam-
ple code, line by line. It also tells how to modify the lines to
match the devices you are installing.
class="XSCREENCONFIG" name="DOMEm2pci0Config"
provided here must be unique in the
file. You can alter it as long as you select a
that is not
being used for any other
This line indicates the installation of an M2 board to which
the system assigned the instance of zero (0). The second
zero (0) indicates that you are using the first head. To modify
this line for the device you are installing, replace the first
zero (0) with the instance the system assigned to your board.
For the second head, replace the second zero (0) with one (1).
res="1600x1200 @ 73Hz"
This line indicates that your display’s resolution (pre-
adjusted timing name) is 1600 x 1200 @ 73Hz. See the table on
page 80 in Appendix A for a list of the resolutions available
with the M2 board.
stereo="1024x1024 @ 121Hz"
This line indicates that the board is supporting a stereo
resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels @ 121Hz.