Configuring Display Settings | 37
To set Single-channel Grayscale
Grayscale displays do not use the red and blue video output
channels. When red and blue output is sent to a grayscale
display, it can cause screen interference. The DOME driver
provides this option to eliminate the screen interference by
disabling video output to the red and blue video channels.
DOME recommends that you select the Single-channel Gray-
option if you are using a grayscale display.
On-board status
On-board temperature (in degrees Celsius) of the framebuffer
control. Temperature 1 corresponds to head 1; temperature 2, to
head 2.
DOME information
General information includes driver version, library version, the
number of DOME boards installed, and the maximum number of
DOME screens. Look for this information at the bottom of the
DOME tab.