Digital Postal Meter
SV61374 Rev. J
Data Center (Pitney Bowes)
Downloads available 5-5
Problems dialing into 10-3
When you access 1-3, 5-2
Auto-advance of date 4-2
How it shows on meter stamp 4-1
Manually changing printed date 4-2
Printing date on incoming mail 4-5
Destination ZIP or Zone 3-3, 3-4
Digital indicia.
Meter stamp
Display on control panel
Location and use 2-2
Setting display contrast 6-2
Downloads from the data center to your mailstation™ meter
Ad/Postal inscriptions 5-5
General explanation 1-2, 5-5
mailstation™ meter update 5-5
Postal inspection 5-6
Postal rate update 5-6
Postal/ZIP code update 5-6
Software update 5-6
Encrypted USPS indicia, location on meter stamp 4-1
Entering weight manually 3-4
Enter/Yes key, location and use 2-2
Envelope ad
adding/removing to the meter stamp 4-2
location on meter stamp 4-1
purchasing 4-3
Extension cable option for scale 11-2
Funds key, location and use 2-2
Funds (postage)
Checking account balance in Postage by Phone® System 5-3
Checking amount in meter 3-1
Printing a report 5-1