Digital Postal Meter
SV61374 Rev. J
Optional Departmental Accounting Feature
When you purchase the optional accounting feature, you can set
digital postage meter up to track postage costs
incurred by individuals or departments in your organization (e.g.,
Tom, Jane, Sales, A/R, etc.), up to five or ten accounts (depending
on option purchased). Your
meter stores the following
information for each account:
• An account name up to 14 alphanumeric characters long.
• An account number.
• The item total. This is the total number of pieces of mail charged
to an account since it was last cleared.
• The value total. This is the total amount of postage charged to an
account since it was last cleared.
• An account password (optional)
Turning Accounting Feature ON or OFF (if purchased)
1. Press
Turning ON Accounting
- select "Turn Accounting On?" and press
Follow the prompts for either creating an account (if
this is the first time using the feature) or selecting an account
(see next page).
Turning OFF Accounting
- scroll to "Use Accounting functions?"
and press
Use the Review keys to scroll to "Turn off
accounting?" and press
. A confirming message dis-
plays. Press
to continue.
NOTE: You will not be tracking postage by account when this fea-
ture is turned off.
2. Follow the prompts to add another account if turning ON ac-
counting or press
to return to the main screen.
NOTE: Once you turn on the accounting feature, an account must
be selected before you can print postage. This ensures that all
postage printed is accounted for by one of the meter accounts.
In addition, if a password has been assigned to the account, you
must enter the 4-digit password before proceeding.
9 • Departmental Accounting