Function description
Operating Manual PSEN sg2c
When the escape or auxiliary release is operated, there is a low signal at
the safety outputs X13 and X14. An error code is issued. The PSENsgate
is not ready for operation again until the escape release or auxiliary release
has been reset to its unoperated state and the error has been reset.
Please note that the cover of the escape release has to be checked and in
stalled again after operation.
Auxiliary release
When the plant is powered down, the auxiliary release enables the guard locking device to
be released from the access side to the danger zone.
Mode of operation:
Carefully remove the cover on the escape release (1). Use a screwdriver (2) to pull out the
escape or auxiliary release pin (3) from the swivel piece (4). The swivel piece folds down
wards, the bolt tongue behind the swivel piece is released. The safety gate to the danger
zone can be opened.