Rev. 01/2021
Controlling the Driver via PC
Since the PLB-21 connector houses a standard RS-232 interface it can also be used to connect
the driver to a PC. This can be done by connecting a USB-Serial converter cable using the
PLB-21 cable. However, since the PLB-21 receives its poser through the same connector, it is
recommended to cut the +12 V line when using the cable to connect to a USB-Serial
converter. Please note, that the PLB-21 will no longer operate when connected with a
modified cable. Details regarding the pin out of the PLB-21 connector can be found ion the
chapter “Interface specification”.
In addition to the PLB-21, the driver also has an Ethernet interface to interface directly with a
computer / laptop / network. This interface allows communications with the driver over a
network using a TCP (telnet client) or UDP connection. See below for more details.
Available protocols
The driver supports two protocols, a text interface for direct interaction between the operator
and the driver and a binary protocol for machine-machine interfaces. Both protocol sets have
the same functionality and are available on both interfaces.
Please note, that when using telnet on the Ethernet interface, only the text protocol is
supported. See below for more details
Description of the RS232 Interface
The PLB-21 connector implements a standard RS-232 interface with fthe following
connection settings:
Baud rate
Data bits
Stop bits