3 Product Description
E-625 Piezo Servo Controller
Version: 2.0.0
Analog Mode
is used as the input voltage for the target value
(depending on the servo mode interpreted as voltage or as position, see
The input voltage should always be in the range of –2 to +12 V. The range
can be expanded to –3 to +13 V. However, this can reduce (p. 77) the
lifetime of the piezo actuator in the positioner and causes the overflow LED
to light up.
The input voltage can also be a computer-generated analog signal
(e.g., from a data acquisition board). You can generate this analog signal
with the NI LabVIEW driver from PI that is on the PI software CD. Note:
After installing the driver, it is necessary to activate the analog
functionality, see the file Analog_Readme.txt in the installation directory
controlled mode
(only E-625.CR)
is used as the trigger input signal for the wave table
output and triggered motion (active HIGH; LOW: 0 to 0.5 V, HIGH: 3.0 to 5.0
V, maximum 10 V; max. frequency 400 Hz;
min. pulse width: 200 μs).
Refer to the user manual for the E-816 computer interface submodule.
SMB socket, coaxial output line with grounded line conductor and 0 to 10 V on the inner
conductor. Filtered and converted sensor output value with 0 to 10 V for the nominal travel
range. The output impedance is 10 k
RS-232 (only E-625.CR)
D-sub panel plug, (9-pole, male) for the serial connection to the PC. Refer to the user manual
for the E-816 computer interface submodule.
USB Socket (only E-625.CR)
Universal serial bus interface (USB-mini B(m) socket) for the serial connection to the PC. Refer
to the user manual for the E-816 computer interface submodule.
On Target LED, green
On-target signal from E-802 servo controller submodule. When the
On Target
LED comes on,
the distance from the target position is less than ±0.19 % of the travel range.
The signal (TTL, active low) is also applied to pin 6 of the
D-sub socket on the rear
panel of the E-625 (p. 72).
Overflow LED, yellow
When the
LED comes on, the amplifier is near to its range limit (piezo voltage outside
the range of –30 V to +130 V).
When the
LED comes on in closed-loop operation (servo mode ON), a zero-point
adjustment (p. 27) can be necessary.