CTU MEGA 20 Diamagnetic Pump MOD07-2-5 Rev.13 of 28/08/2019
Reading and recording of skin impedance system
This particular feature allows you to track the changes in skin impedance, with respect to
energy delivered, allowing you to monitor the progress of treatment sessions.
5.1 Clinical indications
The use of CTU Mega 20 is indicated for the following scopes:
- Acceleration of the healing process (formation of the bone callus) in the treatment of the fractures
of the long bones (fracture gap < 1 cm).
- Reduction of pain and inflammation in musculoskeletal disorders (e.g. pubalgia, tendinitis,
sprains, contractures and muscle hematomas )
-Liquids drainage in post -traumatic edema and in lymphedema.
Below, are reported some examples of suggested treatments (these are only suggested
treatments, the choice of the treatment protocol is solely responsibility of the
medical/paramedical personnel in charge):
• Reduction of pain and localized inflammation - Knee Osteoarthritis
Magnetic Field=2 Tesla; Intensity=90 J; frequency of impulses=7Hz;
duration=30minutes/session and 1 session/day for a maximum period of 3 weeks.
Before performing the treatments with PEMF CTU Medical Device – PERISO SA, all the
patients received a clinical evaluation to exclude patients with: open physis,
inflammatory joint disease. Acromegaly, Charcot’s arthropathy, Haemochromatosis,
Wilson’s disease, Ochronosis, terminal illnesses/malignancies, pregnancy or lack of
contraception use in women of childbearing age, use of pacemaker or any electrical
device and ferromagnetic implants in the area of treatment
Reduction of pain and localized inflammation - Chronic Low Back pain
Magnetic Field=2 Tesla; Intensity=90 J; frequency of impulses=7Hz;
duration=30minutes/session and 3 session/week for a maximum period of 3 weeks.