CTU MEGA 20 Diamagnetic Pump MOD07-2-5 Rev.13 of 28/08/2019
Pain Control
In this operating mode you can treat acute or chronic pain.
The parameters on which to interact are Joule and Hz.
The Hz represent the repetition frequency of the pulses generated by the magnetic field.
By pressing the buttons with the arrow keys you can increase or decrease the frequency.
It ranges from a minimum of 1 Hz to a maximum of 7 Hz.
The Joule represents the strength of the magnetic field generated. By pressing the buttons
with the arrow keys you can increase or decrease the power. The possibilities are: 10J,
30J, 50 J, 70 J, and 90 J.
4.4 Radiofrequency for capacitive and resistive diathermy
Parameterization of capacitive and resistive diathermy
Radiofrequencies have as primary therapeutic purpose the analgesic effect and the
oxygenation of the tissues due to vascular effects. The capacitive energy transfer allows
greater activity on soft tissues (muscle, skin, etc.) while the resistive energy transfer
allows an increased activity on the hard tissues (bones, tendons, etc.).
You can select the following activities:
You can select the emission frequency, High Frequency (HF) or Low Frequency
(LF), for the depth of action on tissues. In particular, HF allows more surface
activity; LF promotes deeper action in the tissues.