Flat Bed Foil Printer
User Guide
Peleman Industries
Service Menu
Service Menu
is used to check the auto status and printer statistics.
can be used to display the data.
Auto status consists of fields relating to the Flat Bed Foil Printer firmware and is very useful
to a technician to check all errors. Please make a screenshot and send it together with your
issue description when asking for support.
Printer statistics display the performance and counters related to different hardware
activities. Printed length and printing sessions may be a very interesting indicator for
maintenance or counting the amount of work that was done for a specific period.
Figure 59: Service Menu in Tools
About the Foil Printer
This option in the tools is used to check the version numbers of the software application as
well as firmware. This screen also displays the unique ID of the connected Flat Bed Foil
Printer hardware. It is advised to inform us about the s.w. and f.w. versions when contacting
for support, reporting bugs or suggesting an improvement.
Figure 60: About Flat Bed Foil Printer