Flat Bed Foil Printer
User Guide
Peleman Industries
Quality testing
In quality testing tab you can find a testing page with different figures and lines. This page
will help you in calibration, alignment and quality testing, when needed.
Just make sure the substrate/material is well fastened, select correct foil and material and
Print testing Page
You can use quality testing page design to send to support or show to your technician.
Position calibration
Calibration is a process during which the hardware prepares itself and corrects its internal
processing errors related to positioning its printer head for accurate printing on covers.
Follow the instructions to perform calibration and its associated testing.
The calibration is not used to solve misalignment issues and the position is up to 3 mm
accurate (compared to the design on the screen) for machines with serial number below
To perform calibration correctly, first print the circle and measure the distance to the edges
with high precision. Software will tell you if calibration is needed or not. If calibration is not
needed, please exit the process.
If calibration is needed, hit the
button and follow the instructions displayed on
the screen. Make sure you are measuring the upper left corner of the printed dot during
the calibration. Measurement must be very precise.
Reprint and measure the circle to make sure calibration is successful. Restart the software
and repower the machine before making a final test of the circle. If the circle is shifted after
power cycle you may need to update your firmware version and calibrate there.
Figure 57: Calibration Start Screen
Please note that it is required to use a basic Peleman cover or sheet of
paper with the minimum dimensions of 150x150 mm and place it
properly in the corner as shown in the image.