Flat Bed Foil Printer
User Guide
Peleman Industries
Torque sensor test
Figure 58: Torque Sensor Test
To test the pressure sensor, use the
Torque Sensor Test
tab. It can be used when the head
error is displayed on the screen or when you have issues in downwards movement.
Follow the instructions on the screen carefully. If the values given in the instructions are
different from your software, please proceed to the troubleshooting section or contact our
distributor/our official technician. It is not advised to use this functionality without special
training and knowledge. However, your distributor or technician may ask you to preform a
test before considering a replacement or intervention.
Basic test:
Klick on
read torque sensor
button after the foil is removed.
Torque Value
Must be below 20. Usually it is around 5. If it is more as 20
it means
that the pressure sensor is reading pressure in rest. It can be due to the stuck
mechanism or damaged loadcell. To lose the mechanism push the printhead up
manually a few times. If the value does not return to normal it is advised to contact
our specialist to grease the mechanism or replace the loadcell.
Second test is on maximum pressure value. When pressing the head up manually
till the mechanical stop
it must show a value of 248. A bit more is possible but not
less as 241. If the value is way below 248 it is advised to double check the firmware