IO&M Manual
Paragon Controls Incorporated
Revision Level 000
1. Operating Range
Enter Tagging Information for each system
Toggle Select Area Type either Area or
Piezometer for each system
Enter Area or Piezometer Coefficient
for each system
Enter Operating Range for each system;
Max value that represents 100% of output
For Piezometer Coefficients that incorporate
a Standard Density term, toggle
Std. Den. to Incld
2. K-Factor
Enter Balancer and MTSE flow
measurements to calculate a K-factor
Or enter K-factor directly
3. Analog I/O
Toggle select System Process Output
0-10V or 4-20mA for each system
Toggle select System Temperature Input
0-5V, 0-10V, or 4-20mA for each system
4. System Filters
Enter total Number of Samples for rolling
average calculation for each system
Enter Sampling Interval Time (time in
seconds between samples) for rolling
average calculation
5. Network
Toggle select between BACnet MS/TP
Master or Modbus RTU Slave
Toggle select available Baud Rate
Enter the MAC Address or Modbus ID
Enter Instance Number (BACnet only)
6. Temperature and
Toggle select where Temp Input will be
obtained between Fixed, Variable, or
Network for each system
If Fixed temp, enter Temp in last column.
If Variable, enter min and max Temp for min
and max analog input for scaling
Toggle select between Altitude or Barometric
pressue for density correction
If Altitude selected, enter Elevation in feet; if
Barometric selected enter Pressure in in.Hg
Toggle select Termperaure Units between
degrees F or C
7. Alarms
Toggle Enable or Disable Alarms for each
Enter Low and/or High Alarm setpoint value
(in same units) to be compared to an
individual sensor's value (0 is Off)
Enter Alarm Delay value; amount of time in
seconds before alarm is triggered
Enter Lockdown Percent (of Operating
Range) for each system; a zero value will
be indicated when below this percentage
Enter a Lockdown Delay value; amount of
time in seconds before a zero value is
8. Units and Precision
Toggle select between Measurement Type:
Std. Flow, Act. Flow, Std. Velocity, Act.
Velocity, or Pressure for each system
Toggle select Units of measure
corresponding to the Measurement Type
Toggle select the Decimal Point location for
significant decimal figures for each system
P Settings
(only if
P is ordered)
P Tagging information for each
P point
Toggle select Alarm trigger mode for each
point: Off, High Alarm, or Low Alarm
Enter Alarm Setpoint value (in same units)
Toggle select
P Units of measurement