DCH-4000P-xx series Receivers
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W W W . P B I - C H I N A . C O M
Figure 6.1 Main Menu
6.2 System Menu
The system menu provides information about the general functions, the surroundings
equipment and the hardware used.
Figure 6.2 System Menu
6.2.1 Local Setup
Each DCH-4000P-xx has an IP address, a network sub mask and a gateway. These must be
set to an appropriate value for the network over which the unit can be accessed by the
remote control system such as the HDMS.
-IP Address:
The IP address for the unit.
-Network Mask:
The network mask for the subnet to which the unit is connected.
The gateway for the network to which this unit is connected.
6.2.2 Setting up the Trap IP Address
The DCH-4000P-xx provides a Monitor Center IP address. You can set this to be the same IP
address of the Monitor Center, which is typically a PC in order to allow the device to send
messages to the monitor center. If the DCH-4000P-xx is connected with the HDMS remote
management system, the Trap IP address is typically set to be the IP address of the PC on
which the HDMS has been installed.