Parker EME
192-300300N1 GVI Frames C, D & E 2019-9
8.12.2. Protection
SENSOR_SUPPLY_GND is B+ protected with a MOSFET switch, which also used for Sleep mode. When
short circuit current is detected, the MOSFET switch is turned off.
8.12.3. Circuit
SENSOR_SUPPLY_GND must NOT be connected to B- externally - severe noise problems can be
the result.
SENSOR_SUPPLY_GND must NOT be used as supply ground for B+ supplied units.
Figure 26 Schematic of the Sensor Supply GND circuit
8.13 CAN
Error frames counter is available in the motor controller and is a good help for diagnostic of
the CAN bus noise immunity.
8.13.1. Function
Incorrect use of isolation - risk of personnel injury
Isolation is only for increased noise immunity when running high current to the motor. The
isolation must not be used for safety i.e. CAN_GND and B- shall be externally connected
together in one point in the vehicle system.