A. Configuration Options
April 2003
Spectrum Management
Possible Settings:
Enable, Disable
Default Setting:
For an STU-C, enabling spectrum management limits the DSL speeds on the unit to meet
either ANSI T1.417 or BT Access Network Spectrum standards. The purpose of Spectrum
Management is to facilitate a reasonable spectral environment for the coexistence of
multiple technologies in a loop plant with an acceptable level of crosstalk between them.
In some countries, the DSL service provider must meet the spectrum management
specification of that country. For example, in the United Kingdom, it is a requirement that
the product comply with the OFTel PSD mask for the loop length requested (short,
medium or long). Support for this requirement is provided by enabling Spectrum
Management and properly setting the Estimated Line Length option (see
Table A-1, DSL
Interface Options
Spectrum Management appears only when DSL Mode is set to STU-C.
– Spectrum Management is enabled.
– Spectrum Management is disabled.
Country Code
For an STU-C, displays the spectrum management standard to be used (ANFP for UK) to
calculate the speeds allowed on this card which comply with spectrum management.
Country appears only when DSL Mode is set to STU-C and Spectrum Management
is set to Enable.
– The ANFP Spectrum Management standard for BT Access Network will be used.
Table A-6.
System Options (2 of 2)