Switching/Blind Actuator
Participation in central
No; in no central object
Yes; in all central object
Only in central continuous on
Only in central continuous off
Only in central switching
Only central switching and continuous on
Only central switching and continuous off
Central continuous on and
central continuous off
Defines which central objects the channel
responds to. The central objects have the
following priority:
If continuous ON is set to “1” then the channel is
switched on regardless of the other objects.
If continuous ON is set to "0" and continuous
OFF is set to "1" then the channel is switched off
regardless of the other objects.
Central switching does not take priority over the
switching object – the last command to be sent
The manual switches on the device take priority
over all bus commands.
Sending feedback
Yes, only on change, non-inverted
Yes, cyclical and on change, non-inverted
Yes, only on change, inverted
Yes, cyclical and on change, inverted
This parameter sets whether the channel status
will be sent to the bus or not. If yes, the
feedback type can be set according to the
values. The cycle time can be set from the
General page.
Behaviour at bus failure
If the bus voltage has failed, then the channel
adopts the status defined here. The same
applies to a complete or partial download of the
Behaviour at mains
voltage or bus recovery
Start pulse
After restoration of the mains supply or
restoration of the bus supply with the mains
voltage present, the channels revert to the
status defined here.