Switching/Blind Actuator
A "1" on this object blocks the functions Drive 1 Height and Drive 1 Slat. This function is used to
prevent the blind from being adjusted due to external influences, and to thus maintain a preferred
blind slat position. The Up/Down function (object 0) remains active.
Object5 “Height feedback”
This object sends height level of the blind/shutter to the bus.
Object6 “Slat feedback”
This object sends slat level of the blind/shutter to the bus.
Object 108 “Access/Save scene”
This object can be used to save and call the current height and slat position of the channels
configured for it.
Object 112 “Central Up/Down”
This object can be used to control all drives which are configured for it.
For example, all of the shutters on one facade can be raised or lowered at the same time at the
push of a button.
0 = raise
1 = lower
Objects 113,114,115 “Safety 1,2,3”
The safety objects allow a specific response of the drives to particular situations with a high
A safety object is linked to a wind sensor. A drive to which a textile sun protection device is
connected is configured to react to this safety object. The operating status is normal as long as a
“0” is present. In the event of a storm, the wind sensor sends a "1" to the safety object, and the
sun protection is immediately moved to the configured safety position.
1. A safety object must only be actuated by one device, as otherwise conflicting commands could
cancel each other out.
2. When interrogating the safety objects, e.g. via the ETS function "Read value": If the status
"Safety on" has resulted from the cyclic monitoring then the object value remains "0".
3. After download, the status of the safety objects must be updated.