3.7.1. SNTP Configuration Menu
Select P (command) on the Time Configuration menu, and then you can see the
SNTP server Menu as screen 2.7-21. You can configure SNTP servers on this screen.
Figure 3-23: SNTP Configuration Menu
Screen Description
SNTP State
Displays the configuration to enable or disable SNTP.
The factory default settings is “Enable”.
Displays the interval of time synchronization with SNTP servers.
The factory default settings is 720 seconds.
SNTP Server IP
Displays an IP address of SNTP servers that perform a time synchronization.
The maximum number of registrations for IP address: up to two for IPv4 and
IPv6, respectively.
Displays SNTP version received.
Last Receive
Displays the time when SNTP is received at the end (or in the previous time).
PNxxxxxx Local Management System
Time Configuration Menu -> SNTP Configuration Menu
SNTP State : Disabled
Interval : 720 seconds
SNTP Server IP Version Last Receive
---------------------------------------- -------- -------------- 4 00:02:02 -------- --------------
-------------------------------- <COMMAND> -----------------------------------
Set SNTP [S]tate
Set SNTP [I]nterval
Add SNTP Server IPv[4]
Add SNTP Server IPv[6]
[D]elete SNTP Server IPv4
Delete SNTP Server I[P]v6
[Q]uit to previous menu
Enter the character in square brackets to select option