Panasonic Electric Works Nordic AB
Rev: -
Planning Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512 G3, V1.1.x
The pre-warning offset and the heavy smoke alarm level can, for the
whole system, be set in WinG3, see chapter "Alarm algorithms", page
136. See also WinG3 help.
The fire alarm offset can, for the whole system, be set in WinG3, see
chapter "Alarm algorithms", page 136.
This is not a normal action and a special password is required.
"Pre-warning", "Fire Alarm" and "Heavy Smoke Alarm" can activate
programmable outputs respectively, see chapter "Control expression",
page 76. See also EBL512 G3 Operating Instructions MEW01163.
Alarm algorithm / Alternative alarm algorithm
In order to reduce the nuisance alarms
and ensure that the real fire
alarms will be activated, six different alarm algorithms are available.
See Figure 18., page 92. They are based on:
Normal (N), High (H) or Low (L) sensitivity
Normal (15 sec.) or slow (35 sec.) detection time
Normal sensitivity
(Default) Fire alarm offset is
3.0 %
obscuration per meter.
High sensitivity
Fire alarm offset is
2.4 %
smoke obscuration per
meter, i.e. less than for normal sensitivity. Can be used when an
"early" fire alarm is wanted.
Low sensitivity
Fire alarm offset is
3.6 %
smoke obscuration per
meter, i.e. more than for normal sensitivity. Can be used to reduce
nuisance alarms
but might not fulfil the EN54-7 specifications.
Normal detection time - 15 sec.
(Default) There will always be min.
15 seconds alarm delay
. This is a "normal filter" to reduce nuisance
Slow detection time - 35 sec.
. There will always be min. 35 seconds
alarm delay
. This is an "extra filter" to reduce nuisance alarms
might not fulfil the EN54-7 specifications.
Each analog smoke detector can have two alarm algorithms
programmed (via WinG3). One
Regular alarm algorithm
that is
normally used (
is default) and one
Alternative alarm
that is turned on/off via a time channel (internal or
external). E.g. normal sensitivity can be used during night-time and
low sensitivity during daytime (i.e. the alternative alarm algorithm is
used to reduce nuisance alarms
during working hours).
The alarm algorithm in use can be read in menu H4/U4.
The alarm algorithm parameters can, for the whole system, be set in
WinG3, see chapter "Alarm algorithms", page 136 and WinG3 help.
(To change some parameters a special password is required.)
So called false / unnecessary alarms.