5.8 “1:N topology for report” function
with I/O type
For 1:N topology with I/O type, command from upper level master controls I/O of master and slave.
With this “1:N topology for report” function, input from slave can be reflected to output from master
without connectiong computer or PLC at upper level of master. And input to master can be reflected
to output of slave’s same number.
<Example of alarm system using I/O unit>
This chapter explains about the overview of “1:N topology for report” fuction.
5.8.1 Overview of “1:N topology for report” function
Basic operation
Master communicates with all slaves that is registered and set the routing setting in turn.
(1:N topology Polling)
Alarm output
Reset input
from equipment
Reset s
Alarm output
Reset input
from equipment
Alarm output
Reset input
from equipment
Alarm output
Reset input
from equipment
Master output uses OR of input terminal with same terminal number as output terminal in master
with routing setting of slave.
For example, master’s output terminal OUT0 uses OR of input terminal IN0 in slave No.1, IN0 in
slave No.2,
, IN0 in slave No.8.
Therefore, if one input terminal in slave is connected only 1 point, you can specify the slave with
input change.
Master input is reflected to terminal with same number in all slaves.
(It is not reflected as simultaneous report. It is reflected from next wireless communication after
input change.)
I/O communication and data communication cannot execute together.
Use only with I/O communication.
Total input points is allocated max. 8-input.
Even if you use repeater function, be sure to use I/O type. Slaves working as repeater can be
polling I/O information.
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