of Terms
Broadband Also referred to as wideband. A term describing any network that
multiplexes multiple, independent network carrier frequencies on to a single cable. It
allows multiple simultaneous “conversations”, since the independent networks operate
on different frequencies and do not interfere with each other. In LAN terminology, it
refers to a system in which multiple channels access a medium, for example co-axial
cable, that has a large bandwidth using Radio Frequency (RF) modems. This may
allow the co-axial cable to carry multiple separate LANs whose transmission is being
modulated at different frequencies. In cable television (CATV), broadband describes
the ability to carry 30 or more TV channels and is synonymous with wideband.
Broadcast The simultaneous transmission of data via a network from one terminal
to a set of destinations or to all destinations.
Brouter An industry term for a device with the functionality of a bridge and router. It
supports more than two LAN connections and uses Level Two addresses for routing.
The term is mostly used by bridge vendors.
Browser A program used to view the World Wide Web (WWW) sites or pages on
the Internet or Intranet. Initially, browsers only displayed text information, but are
now capable of displaying graphics, video, and audio. With the introduction of these
new capabilities, the popularity of the WWW has exploded. The WEB now offers
extraordinarily rich and diverse content including music, movies, real time audio and
video broadcasts, and interactive resources. Browsers have evolved to handle these
new resources, encompassing new protocols and programming languages. Two of
the most popular browsers are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Buffer A temporary storage place for data, designed to compensate for a difference
In transmission speeds or to hold data when there is a difference in timing of events.
It can be a software program, a storage facility or a hardware device, ensuring the
data always has somewhere to go, even if it has to be held up for while in the buffer
until it can be transmitted to the destination. Without it the RIP would not be able to
keep up with the speed of the engine.
Bus topology A type of network in which all tie devices are connected in a line to a
single cable. A bus network has two distinct ends. All devices which attached to a
bus network have equal access to it and they can see all the messages that are put
on to the network. Each device determines which messages are intended for it alone,
and selects those.