Cause and solution
Cannot access from a web
Has the wrong IP address been accessed?
→ Check the connections by following the steps below.
For Windows:
Using the Windows command prompt, execute
> ping [IP address which has been set in the camera]
A reply returned from the unit signifies that there are no problems in
If a reply is not received, try following operation:
Reboot the unit, and within 20 minutes change the IP address using
the Easy IP Setup Software/EasyIP Setup Tool Plus Software.
For Mac:
Using the OS X terminal, execute
> ping -c 10 [IP address which has been set in the camera]
A reply returned from the unit signifies that there are no problems in
If a reply is not received, try following operation:
Reboot the unit, and within 20 minutes change the IP address using
the Easy IP Setup Software/EasyIP Setup Tool Plus Software.
Has the wrong default gateway been set for the unit? (When the
unit and personal computer are connected to different
→ Check out the default gateway that has been set for the unit, and
then consult with the network administrator.