How to
x cable
Connecting with external device (optional)
All connections shall
follow to the local national wiring standard.
It is strongly recommended to use manufacturer-recommended
parts and accessories for installation.
For connection to main PCB
1. Two-way valve shall be spring and electronic type, refer to “Field
Supply Accessories” table for details. Valve cable shall be (3 x min
1.5 mm
), of type designation 60245 IEC 57 or heavier, or similarly
double insulation sheathed cable.
* note: - Two-way Valve shall be CE marking compliance
Maximum load for the valve is 9.8VA.
2. Room thermostat cable must be (4 or 3 x min 0.5 mm
), of type
designation 60245 IEC 57 or heavier cord, or similarly double
insulation sheathed cable.
3. Extra pump cable shall be (2 x min 1.5 mm²), of type designation
60245 IEC 57 or heavier.
4. Boiler contact cable shall be (2 x min 0.5 mm²), of type
designation 60245 IEC 57 or heavier.
5. External control shall be connected to 1-pole switch with min
3.0 mm contact gap. Its cable must be (2 x min 0.5 mm
), double
insulation layer of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed cable.
* note: - Switch used shall be CE compliance component.
Maximum operating current shall be less than 3A
6. Room sensor zone 1 cable shall be (2 x min 0.3 mm²) double
insulation layer of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed.
7. Outdoor air sensor cable shall be (2 x min 0.3 mm²) double
insulation layer of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed.
Bind optional
cables with
these bands
Power Supply 1
Power Supply 2
Holder (Clamper)
Indoor terminal
for connecting
Bind optional
cables with
these bands
Main PCB
How to guide the optional cables and power supply cord
(view without internal wiring)
Optional cables:
External control
Room sensor
zone 1
Outdoor air sensor
Remote controller
Optional cables:
2-way valve
Room thermostat zone
1 cable
Extra pump cable
Boiler contact cable
Power Supply 1 cord
Power Supply 2 cord
Indoor Unit/Outdoor Unit Connecting cable
For connection to Optional PCB
1. By connecting Optional PCB, 2 Zone temperature control can
be achieved. Please connect mixing valves, water pumps and
thermistors in zone 1 and zone 2 to each terminals in Optional
Temperature of each zone can be controlled independently by
remote controller.
2. Pump zone 1 and zone 2 cable shall be (2 x min 1.5 mm²), of type
designation 60245 IEC 57 or heavier.
3. Solar pump cable shall be (2 x min 1.5 mm²), of type designation
60245 IEC 57 or heavier.
4. Pool pump cable shall be (2 x min 1.5 mm²), of type designation
60245 IEC 57 or heavier.
5. Room thermostat zone 1 and zone 2 cable shall be (4 x min
0.5 mm²), of type designation 60245 IEC 57 or heavier.
6. Mixing valve zone 1 and zone 2 cable shall be (3 x min 1.5 mm²),
of type designation 60245 IEC 57 or heavier.
7. Room sensor zone 1 and zone 2 cable shall be (2 x min 0.3 mm²),
double insulation layer (with insulation strength of minimum 30V)
of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed cable.
8. Buffer tank sensor, pool water sensor and solar sensor cable
shall be (2 x min 0.3 mm²), double insulation layer (with insulation
strength of minimum 30V) of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed
9. Water sensor zone 1 and zone 2 cable shall be (2 x min 0.3 mm²),
double insulation layer of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed cable.
10. Demand signal cable shall be (2 x min 0.3 mm²), double insulation
layer of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed cable.
11. SG signal cable shall be (3 x min 0.3 mm²), double insulation layer
of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed cable.
12. Heat/Cool switch cable shall be (2 x min 0.3 mm²), double insulation
layer of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed cable.
13. External compressor switch cable shall be (2 x min 0.3 mm²),
double insulation layer of PVC-sheathed or rubber-sheathed cable.
Bind optional
cables with
these bands
Bind all
optional cables
with these
Bind optional
cables with
these bands
Bind all optional
cables with these
Power Supply 1
Power Supply 2
Holder (Clamper)
terminal for
How to guide the optional cables and power supply cord
(view without internal wiring)
ACXF60-04180_EN ES IT.indb 15
ACXF60-04180_EN ES IT.indb 15
11/17/2016 9:12:35 AM
11/17/2016 9:12:35 AM